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Prepared and Supported Staff

District 51 Strategic Plan Logo emphasizing our vision to engage, equip, and empower.

At District 51, we want to ensure that our educators and staff have the necessary resources, training, and encouragement to excel in their roles. We believe in providing ongoing professional development opportunities, mentorship programs, and a supportive work environment that values collaboration and innovation. Prepared and supported staff are not only equipped with the expertise to deliver high-quality instruction but also feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute to our educational community. They have access to the tools and support systems needed to navigate challenges, adapt to changing circumstances, and thrive in their professional growth journey. Having prepared and supported staff creates a positive and enriching workplace culture that benefits both our educators and students.


Professional Learning

District 51 educators and leaders engage in personalized professional learning aligned to: Academic standard mastery, supporting the social and emotional needs of students, responding to the needs of all groups of students

  • By June 2025, 100% of educators engage in Learning Communities (LCs) linked to planning for, assessing, analyzing results, and adjusting instruction based on mastery of academic standards.
  • By 2025, 100% of educators and leaders will identify, implement, monitor, and adjust SEL practices related to students’ social and emotional needs at their school.
  • By 2025, 100% of educators will embed instruction that acknowledges and affirms different cultural viewpoints in order to meet the diverse academic needs of all learner groups.

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Diverse and Growing Pipelines

District 51 will grow a diverse and healthy pipeline of qualified educators and leaders that will support the strategic goals of the district.

  • By June 2025, D51 will increase its diverse teaching staff to more closely mirror the community demographics.
  • By June 2025, D51 will increase the number of qualified certified candidates to 1,500 candidates.
  • By June 2025, D51 will increase the diversity of its leaders to more closely mirror the community demographics.
  • By June 2025, D51 will increase the number of qualified leader candidates by 45% as compared to 2021.

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Staff Wellness

District 51 staff receive the mental health support they need to engage with students and families as healthy leaders.

  • By June 2025, D51 will increase favorable responses to 90% regarding educators’ overall impression of their school, as well as future employment plans on the Teaching and Learning Conditions Colorado (TLCC) Survey.

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