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Safe Return to Learning

2021-22 District 51 "Keeping Schools Open Plan"


Face Coverings

  • Symptomatic students may be asked to wear a face mask in the school health office.
  • Harassment, shaming, or bullying of students for wearing or for not wearing masks will not be tolerated.
  • Face coverings that cover the mouth and nose are required on all Student Transportation of America buses, as required by federal order.


  • After five positive cases within ten days in a classroom cohort, the classroom cohort will be declared an outbreak, and all members of the classroom cohort will be quarantined for five days from the last day of exposure to a positive case. Fully vaccinated students and staff members will not have to quarantine.
  • If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, the unvaccinated members of their household will be quarantined for five days after the last day of exposure to the positive person.

Isolation/Potential Isolation (Symptomatic):

  • Students of staff members who test positive for COVID-19 will be asked by MCPH to isolate for five days. If symptoms are gone or are resolving, you may return to school on day 6, but you should continue to wear a mask for five additional days after returning. If feverish on day five, you must stay home until symptoms resolve.
  • In the event of receiving a subsequent negative test result after receiving a positive test result, students or staff will still be asked to isolate out of an abundance of caution. Negative results don't negate a positive test.
  • Regardless of vaccination status, students or staff who show symptoms commonly associated with COVID-19 will be sent home for 5 days, but can return earlier with a resolution of symptoms and a negative COVID-19 test. 
  • Please click here for the flowchart that shows what happens when an individual displays at least one COVID-like symptom.


  • Classroom teachers will continue to have access to district-approved disinfectant supplies but will not be required to disinfect between classes
  • Students and staff will continue to have access to hand sanitizer.
  • Regular, daily disinfection of schools and other district facilities by custodial staff will continue. * In the event of a COVID-19-positive individual entering a classroom or district facility, disinfecting machines will be used to ensure the space is safe for use.


  • We will continue to increase the amount of outdoor air being pumped into district facilities and will continue to run ventilation systems longer than normal to produce increased amounts of fresh air within buildings.

Hand Hygiene:

  • We will continue to encourage proper and frequent hand washing and disinfection throughout the school day.


  • Visitors will continue to be allowed in district facilities.


  • CHSAA sponsored events will continue to follow CHSAA safety guidelines.
  • All non-CHSAA sponsored events will follow D51 and MCPH event guidelines

Additional Details of the 2021-22 District 51 "Keeping Schools Open Plan"