Nursing Services
Mission Statement: To maintain and protect the health of all students in order to maximize their potential for learning.
Our team includes:
School Nurse: Our Registered Nurses work with parents, health assistants, school/district staff members, and healthcare providers to provide any needed health services while at school. School Nurses may train and delegate certain tasks to unlicensed personnel who work with students identified as having specific medical needs.
Health Assistant: Our Health Assistants are unlicensed personnel who provide first aid, administer medication, and help keep track of immunization and health records. They are in each school's Health Office every day helping care for your student.
Health Forms and Resources
2023-24 Academic Year District 51 COVID-19 Update
The health and safety of our students, staff, and families is our top priority. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared the end fo the COVID-19 public health emergency as of May 11, 2023. For the 2023-24 school year, D51 students in grades PreK-12 will continue with in-person learning five days a week. For the latest information on COVID-19 in Mesa County, please visit the Mesa County Public Health COVID Resources page.
Click to view D51's Original Safe Return to Learning Plan
Last updated January 2024