Fingerprint Process
To meet the requirements of state statute change, Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has implemented the Colorado Applicant Background Services (CABS) program.
Failure to use a correct code may result in the need to be re-fingerprinted. You will be responsible for any additional charges associated with the reprint. If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at 970-254-5124 or email
**If you have previously been fingerprinted with District 51, please contact Human Resources at 970-254-5124 to verify that you are still active in our fingerprint database prior to completing this step.
Mesa County Valley School District 51 Electronic Fingerprinting
The following steps ONLY apply to D51 Support Staff, Coaches, and Charter School Employees. Colorado Department of Education Licensed staff (Including Student Teachers), Student Transportation of America Employees, and Volunteers please scroll to the bottom of this page for direction.
Fingerprint Registration/Steps
- Important
- Step 1: Register for Fingerprint Appointment
- Step 2: Attend your fingerprint appointment
- Step 3: Complete your Criminal History Certification
Step 1: Register for Fingerprint Appointment
Step 2: Attend your fingerprint appointment
Step 3: Complete your Criminal History Certification
D51 Support Staff
such as paraprofessionals, custodians, non-licensed substitutes, health assistants, secretaries, etc.
Before beginning, please see steps above. Use CBI Unique Code: 1322ETNI
such as teachers, counselors, principals, licensed substitutes, licensed administrators
Fingerprinting for Colorado Department of Education (CDE) for licensure - Results are sent directly to CDE.
D51 Student Teachers
Fingerprinting for Colorado Department of Education (CDE) - Results are sent directly to CDE
D51 Charter School Employees
Before beginning, please see steps above. Use CBI Unique Code: 1322ETNI
D51 Volunteers*
*Please contact the volunteer office prior to scheduling at 970-254-5114
Student Transportation of America Employees
Please contact the Student Transportation of America prior to scheduling at 970-697-1055