Attendance is about "being there!"
The Attendance Office at District 51 serves as a central hub for managing student attendance records across the district's schools. Staffed by dedicated professionals, this office helps to ensure accurate attendance tracking and compliance with state regulations. It serves as a point of contact for families and students regarding attendance-related inquiries, including absences, tardiness, and truancy issues. Additionally, the Attendance Office collaborates closely with school administrators, teachers, and counselors to identify and address attendance patterns that may impact student success. The Attendance Office helps to foster a positive and supportive learning environment within District 51 schools by promoting regular attendance and supporting students and families facing attendance challenges. Attendance is about "being there!"
Attendance - A Community Approach
Director: Tracy Gallegos
Compass Park Building
2768 Compass Drive, Suite 201
Grand Junction, CO 81506
Administrative Specialist
Cheryl Britton
Serving: Attendance/Truancy
& Social Emotional Behavior Support Departments
Phone: 970-986-6011 (Ext. 14147)
Attendance Case Manager
Nick Allan
Serving: Elementary, Middle and High School Students
Phone: 970-254-5481 (Ext. 14156)
Attendance Case Manager
Nelly Garcia Olmos
Serving: Elementary, Middle and High School Students
Phone: 970-254-5513 (Ext. 14157)
Attendance Advocate
Barbara Infanger
Serving: Middle and High School (Bookcliff Middle School, Central High School, Grand Mesa Middle, Grand Junction High School, Orchard Mesa Middle School, R-5 High School. Share - Career Center/Valley, Gateway, Grand River Academy, Summit)
Phone: 970-254-6900 (Ext. 24313)
Attendance Advocate
Lauren McGee
Serving: Middle and High School (Fruita Middle School, Fruita Monument High School, Mt. Garfield Middle School, Palisade High School, Redlands Middle School, West Middle School. Share - Career Center/Valley, Gateway, Grand River Academy, Summit)
Phone: 970-254-4720 (Ext. 37125)
Attendance Advocate
Magaly Martinez Garcia
Serving: Elementary School (Appleton, Broadway, Chatfield, Chipeta, Dos Rios, Dual Immersion/DIA, Fruitvale, Nisley, Tope, Rocky Mountain, Taylor, Thunder Mountain)
Phone: 970-254-7070 (Ext. 65148 )
Attendance Advocate
Allyson Hernandez
Serving: Elementary School (Clifton, Lincoln Orchard Mesa, Loma, Mesa View, Monument Ridge, New Emerson, Orchard Ave., Pear Park, Pomona, Rim Rock, Scenic, Shelledy, Wingate)
Phone: (Ext. 52103)