School of Choice FAQ
Although the Board of Education has endorsed a neighborhood school concept based upon structured attendance areas, it recognizes that students residing outside the District may desire to enroll in District schools and programs and that resident students may desire to attend a school or participate in a school program located in an area other than that of their assigned school. In conformity with policy JCA/JFBB, parents/guardians of nonresident students may apply for enrollment of their children in a District school or school program and parents/guardians of resident students may apply for their children to attend a school or school program outside their assigned attendance area if such application is made during the application window known as School of Choice. Resident students must register in the school serving their attendance area even though a request is pending for School of Choice or transfer to another school. Nonresidents of the District must register in the school they seek to attend once they are accepted through the School of Choice process.
- Which school is my homeschool or school of residence?
- When should someone apply for School of Choice?
- Who should apply for School of Choice?
- Which schools or programs are not a part of the SOC process?
- Who should not apply for School of Choice?
- What is the difference between School of Choice and the transfer process?